Lazy Kit Contents

After you download the Lazy Kit archive and unzip it, you will see the following files:

Customising the Kit

We have used SCSS to create the Lazy kit design. SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into CSS. If you want to learn more about the advantages of working with it, you can go here.

If you want to change the syling of the kit, you can create your own CSS and overwrite the default styling. Or you can modify the SCSS source files. Inside the assets/scss/custom folder you will find a file for every components. To be able to use SCSS (generate new CSS files based on your changes) on your local machine, you will need a compiler. We recommend the Scout App.

Bootstrap Components

Here are the elements from Bootstrap 4 that have been restyled in the Lazy Kit:

New Components

Besides overwritting the Bootstrap components, we have also added 2 new ones. These are:

  • Font Awesome - a free library for icons.
  • Sliders - a custom plugin that offers special use-cases for sliders.